Filling the Gap | Dental Charity | Give the Gift of a Smile Filling The Gap | Dental Charity | Volunteer dentists use their skills to help those less fortunate at dental aid clinic

Volunteer dentists use their skills to help those less fortunate at dental aid clinic

Posted on July 22nd, 2020

Above: some of the volunteers with Kate Miranda, General Manager of Filling the Gap.

A team of 15 volunteers came together at a dental aid clinic to treat some of the most vulnerable in our community. The volunteers performed $9000 worth of free dental treatment and treated 25 patients at the Filling the Gap clinic on Saturday 18 July. Disadvantaged patients in need of dental care were referred by seven of our partner charities, including the Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS), Bobby Goldsmith Foundation, William Booth House, The Station, The Salvation Army, The Wayside Chapel and Asylum Seekers Centre. The day would not have been possible without the outstanding team of volunteer dental assistants, alongside ADA NSW staff and volunteers from the JRS who provided translation services.

Dr Oliver Colman was the Clinical Supervisor on the day. Dr Helen McNaughton and Thien-Nhien Nguyen have volunteered in several of the FTG Clinics and their expertise and experience is greatly appreciated. Dr Hany Gerges has also volunteered in the FTG clinic previously. It was Dr Michael Kalas first time volunteering and he had a very enjoyable experience and valued his time as a volunteer.

“We recognise that mainstream dental services, both private and public, are not always easily accessible for the most vulnerable in our communities. When you are homeless, seeking asylum or recovering from addiction, navigating the health system and getting to a dental appointment can be daunting. With the help of respectful volunteers and the support of caseworkers, we are providing novel ways to ensure the most vulnerable in our communities receive care,” Kate Miranda, General Manager of Filling the Gap said.

With special thanks to Henry Schein Halas for donating more than $1000 worth of products and consumables for patients for three of our clinics this month. Filling the Gap also thanks NSW Health for their ongoing support of our services. FTG is a registered charity formed by the Australian Dental Association NSW to help vulnerable people access oral care. We work in partnership with 25 charities who refer patients in need of dental treatment. 


Interested in volunteering in one of our clinics? To find out more, phone (02) 8436 9946.

> Upcoming volunteering opportunities, click here

> For more detail on volunteering for a charity day, click here

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