Filling the Gap | Dental Charity | Give the Gift of a Smile Filling The Gap | Dental Charity | Gifts in Kind

Gifts in Kind

Filling the Gap is grateful for all those who have contributed through non-financial ways, whether giving up time to provide pro-bono professional support, or donating products and services for use at events and auctions.

To discuss opportunities for you to make a gift in kind to Filling the Gap, please contact us at [email protected].

Gifts in celebration

Sometimes people kindly make a donation in lieu of presents for a milestone birthday or wedding anniversary, or even in lieu of wedding favours at their wedding. If you are considering this, please remember to choose Filling the Gap to support our important dental-health services. We will provide you with materials to help you let people know about the cause you are supporting. If you would like to discuss making a donation linked to your special occasion, please contact us.

Other ways to help

You can make a difference to the health of Australians.

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