Filling the Gap | Dental Charity | Give the Gift of a Smile Filling The Gap | Dental Charity | Making A Difference Through Volunteering – NSW Dentist Magazine Article

Making A Difference Through Volunteering – NSW Dentist Magazine Article

Posted on June 3rd, 2020

Voluntary dental programs are making a huge difference to the lives of vulnerable patients.

There’s been many moments that have reminded David Digges why volunteering is so essential – but one particularly stands out.

“I remember treating a woman who had experienced some very difficult times – physically and mentally,” Dr Digges, who participates in the Australian Dental Health Foundation’s (ADHF) various volunteer programs as its vice-chairman, said. “Her mother had passed away and her teeth were in a very poor state.

“When we eventually held up the mirror to her face after treatment she said, ‘’If only my mum could see how beautiful my teeth look. “She later sent me a letter saying that her mum would be proud not just with her smile but that she was on the road to recovery with her life. I still get a bit teary thinking about it now.”

This was one of the countless patients helped by the ADHF’s volunteer programs, which provide essential pro bono dental treatment to disadvantaged members of the community.

Read the full NSW Dentist article here

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