Filling the Gap | Dental Charity | Give the Gift of a Smile Filling The Gap | Dental Charity | Dr Oliver Coleman

Dr Oliver Coleman

Keeping busy is important for Dr Oliver Coleman. The semi-retired former dentist has participated in ADA NSW run dental charity clinics via the Red Cross, Filling the Gap and Dental Rescue days and has also worked as a locum with the Royal Flying Doctor Service. “I’ve always liked to work as a member of a good team. I enjoy the comrade of working with people who like doing what they were trained to do,” says Dr Coleman. “Since selling my practice I’ve found volunteering is a great outlet which helps me connect more and help others,” he said.

Meeting and working with fellow volunteers at Filling the Gap clinics has helped him form a positive view of the giving nature of modern day dental professionals. “Many volunteers are motivated by wanting to ‘give back’ but I’m most impressed and want to emphasise with what volunteers actually gain by helping others,” he said. “Providing treatment for people who cannot get it is rewarding and Filling the Gap provides the same standard of professional services as that offered in private and public systems to people who really need it.”

Posted on July 27th, 2020

“Providing treatment for people who cannot get it is rewarding and Filling the Gap provides the same standard of professional services as that offered in private and public systems to people who really need it.”

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