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NSK Oceania donates to Filling the Gap

Posted on October 23rd, 2019

ADA NSW would like to thank NSK Oceania for generously donating a barcode label writer to be used in our Filling the Gap volunteer clinics.

Stuart Blair from NSK Oceania presented the barcode label writer to ADA NSW President, Dr Kathleen Matthews at a mobile dentistry event last month, which was supported by NSK. Prior to the donation, the clinics were paper based.

“The NSK barcode label writer will aid in streamlining the care process for those patients being seen in the charity clinics. It will simplify the process of tracking by providing direct printing from the autoclave and again directly entered into the patient file to ensure that the instrument sterilization process is accurately recorded,” Dr Matthews said.

“We hope that this will remove another obstacle for both the volunteer dentist and assistant in order to provide a more relaxed and patient centered course of care,’’ Dr Matthews said.

“NSK is a long term supporter of ADA NSW and we are very happy to support members’ charitable work through Filling the Gap,” said Erik Leinius, Marketing and Business development manager at NSK Oceania.

See upcoming volunteer clinics, by clicking here.

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