Filling the Gap | Dental Charity | Give the Gift of a Smile Filling The Gap | Dental Charity | Harriette Slatyer

Harriette Slatyer

Since volunteering to assist at a Filling the Gap clinic dentist Harriette Slatyer can’t imagine why others in the profession won’t do so too. “I recommend Filling the Gap to anyone who can make time to volunteer,” said the Sydney dentist who volunteered as an assistant. “Filling the Gap was a well-run, organised and relaxed environment where I felt very productive,” Dr Slatyer said. “There were so many parts of the program and the clinics which I saw work really well on the day from the perspective of patients and volunteers. I’m very keen to be involved as much as I can in the future.”

“Working with a new team, using new equipment in a new setting at ADA NSW, helped give me confidence that I can do all of the right things a patients needs even in an unfamiliar setting,” she said. “Volunteers are not thrown in the deep end and make a real difference to patients who really need help. Since studying dentistry I’ve been blown away by the generosity and professionalism of experienced dental professionals to advise new comers to the industry and that spirit was also an aspect of the clinic,” said Dr Slatyer. “I volunteered assisting and watching experienced clinicians, helping them with some complex treatment planning, it was great to be a part of how quickly treatment plans and options are presented to patients,” she said. “Volunteering with Filling the Gap was one day out of my week but for patients it can be a life changing day, sometimes after years of pain or waiting for treatment, so to be part of that significant step is just great!”

Posted on July 27th, 2020

“Volunteering with Filling the Gap was one day out of my week but for patients it can be a life changing day, sometimes after years of pain or waiting for treatment, so to be part of that significant step is just great!”

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