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Bobby Goldsmith Foundation

Bobby Goldsmith Foundation Case Worker Corrie Diamond supports people living with HIV who have complex needs or challenges in their lives. Ms Diamond helps her clients to navigate their way through a range of complex health and social systems. Since October 2019 the foundation has connected several clients in need of dental treatment to Filling the Gap (FTG). “When we first contacted our clients about the opportunity to be involved in the FTG service, we were overwhelmed with people wanting to be involved – so much so that we had a waiting list for the first few months,” she said. “The demand for help is mainly focussed on urgent dental work such as relieving dental pain. Many of our clients are in need of dentures.”

“FTG very generously offered us full access to one of their chairs for the 2019/2020 clinics.  The first clinic (held in October 2019) was a great success.  Eight of our clients were treated and we received fantastic feedback from all of our clients,” she said. Ms Diamond said the foundation was really fortunate to be a part of FTG and greatly appreciated the support of FTG in her work to plan, advocate and support the needs of clients any way they can.

“I was really impressed with both the service, professionalism and compassion shown by the FTG team. All the clients involved have only said good things about the service which is a great result from our point of view!” she said. The foundation’s clients are people living with HIV (PLHIV) who comes from all walks of life – a very diverse population. New HIV cases have been growing among populations such as overseas students, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, migrant communities and heterosexual men and women. The foundation, with the support of FTG, ensures everyone who walks through the door gets support they need.

Posted on July 27th, 2020

“The demand for help is mainly focussed on urgent dental work such as relieving dental pain. Many of our clients are in need of dentures.” – Bobby Goldsmith Foundation Case Worker Corrie Diamond.

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